Sunday, July 28, 2024

Lead up to sunset in the parking lot

 After going for a walk yesterday we saw a wonderful sunset up at Cavendish mall. Today, with similar weather conditions I headed up on foot with my paint kit and made some paintings in the lead up to the sunset. I was there about 1 hour before sunset. In the first painting, I show the peonies in the parking lot with McDonald's in the background. The foreground flowers were in shadow, the middle ground flowers were still sunlit. The foreground flowers are mostly quin purple (PV55), the middle ground are quin magenta (PR122). 

Peonies in the parking lot with McD, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2024


Looking across the parking lot, there were long shadows from the shopping mall creeping across the asphalt. To get the yellowish colours I mixed yellow ochre (PY43) with orange (PO62) on the left, and blue (PB60) on the right. The sunset was pyrol orange (PO73) dilute on the horizon, with neutral grey-green and then blue (PB15) at the top. The three light poles are essential for creating depth and rounding out the composition.

Sunset across parking lot, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2024


Situated on a right angle to the sunset, the McDonald's windows were reflecting the setting sun. In reality it was rather greyish and dark, so I embellished the colours based on what the sun set would be in ten minutes. The peonies are just visible at the bottom left. As I painted this location, I thought, you can make art anywhere really, including an otherwise bland looking parking lot and shopping area. I will make a separate blog for the actual sunset painting.

McD's sunset, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2024

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