Thursday, July 25, 2024

Two scenes by the overpass

On a quick trip to the bike store to pick up a part I made some paintings of two scenes by the highway 720 overpass. Here you see a BBQ on an artsy brick patio surrounded by tiger lilies and other greenery. It was open to the public, although the BBQ looked to be in disuse; the painting makes the BBQ look a lot better than it did in real life. In the background, instead of a sky, you see the side of the overpass with some vines and trees growing. There was also a row of park benches. All this was built up during the Turcot project, it is a small gesture and really helps the local community have a bit of space to do things.   

BBQ by overpass, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2024


Here is a scene of the overpass, I am standing in the parking lot of the bike shop looking west. The sky had some interesting clouds today. There is actually a large field of wildflowers all around here, but I was just on lunch hour and went back to the laboratory after this. We are doing a small project to learn more about how different kind of oils affect leukemia cell growth.

Overpass, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2024

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