Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Campus Field


The Loyola campus has precious little green space left, this field was cut in half recently with the monolithic science pavilion that looms just to my left, unseen in the painting. The rest of the field that you see in the painting will be gobbled up with temporary teaching facilities, some kind of prefab portable structure like in a high school, at least that is the rumor. To paint the field I started with the general shape, a rhombus or trapezoid or something like that, and then filled in the yellow and green washes. The background trees are done in a variety of yellow, dark yellow, dark green, and green with plenty of contrast. In the foreground is a garbage and recycling dual bin which anchors the composition. I would be remiss to not call out some pigment codes, so the greens you see were all made with four pigments in various combinations (PY97, PG36, PBk31 and PY110). Those are yellow, green, dark green, and orange-yellow. For super dark areas I dabbed in a touch of dark blue PB60.

Campus Field, watercolour 5 x 7" 80lb, May 2024 (No. 3773)

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