Monday, May 20, 2024

Metro Parc Shrubberies


Intending to go through Parc Extension neighborhood towards Jarry Park, I took a wrong turn and came up Parc avenue to the Parc metro, and rode by several parks on the way before I parked my bike and made this painting of a few interesting shrubberies. You would think after all that I would have made a painting of a park! That would be a little bit later. A lot of people were walking around here and sitting in the shade. I found a good spot under a tree and went about painting the two contrasting shrubs, one in shades of yellow and green (PY154, PG36, PBk31), the other red and maroon (PR254, PR179). Black accents (PBk6) helped punch up the contrasts.

Metro Parc Shrubberies, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, May 2024 (No. 3756b)

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