Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Earth Water Paint Life

From time to time I do these abstract paintings while cleaning off the palette. To form the palette, I bought a plastic fold-able tray with 18 slots from Avenue des Arts, and then squeeze paint out of tubes and let it dry solid. This can last for several dozen paintings before I need to replace the paint. In the meantime the cleaning just involves running a wet brush with clean water over the dry paint until the gunk is removed. The gunk comes from mixing colours. Its most noticeable on the yellow paint, which turns greenish when you use it to mix green for example. If I am in a rush I just quickly run tap water over the palette in the sink but it tends to waste some of the paint that way. I like to keep the palette clean in this manner so the colours remain fresh when starting a new painting. 

Earth Water Paint Life, watercolour 9 x 12" watercolour paper, May 2024 (No. 3834)

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