Tuesday, May 7, 2024

More spring colours in Montreal


In springtime the tulips pop up, the trees flower, and new leaves emerge bright green and yellow. But the most notable colour in spring is orange, I call it Montreal orange! Terrebonne street is being all torn up to remove the lead pipes connecting to houses, which entails a square hole to be cut followed by insertion of some complex metal box device. Considering that they just paved the road a few years back its interesting how now they decide to cut holes in it again. The good thing about construction is that the roads are blocked off partially so I could stand on one side and easily paint the view opposite. Cars were slowing down and stopping because they thought I was some kind of police officer writing tickets, that happens from time to time when I am painting in the neighborhood. To mix Montreal orange I combine pyrol orange (PO73) with benzi orange (PO62) so that it will look accurate after scanning and showing on a screen.

Montreal Orange on Terrebonne, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, May 2024

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