Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Eaton Center

The last painting was this chaotic scene  just up the street from where I painted Sunflowers in the City. When I saw the Sunflower scene, I said to myself, if you bike past these scene without painting it, you may as well turn in your watercolour kit and retire. Luckily I did the painting, and got one more iconic scene done of the Eaton Center. The size of the sign was exaggerated so that I could do the brushwork, although the more distant sign is more or less to scale. To paint the traffic, it was a matter of applying a series of interlocking 'mushroom' shapes, then applying the red, green, and various washes. A row of pedestrians can also be seen across the street. To be honest I was glad to be standing by my bike painting these scene rather than sitting in one of those cars!

Eaton Center, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024

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