Sunday, August 25, 2024

Goldie's Pub

When I was painting the Parmalat factory some people at Goldie's pub leaned out the windows and were talking to me about the art. One of them was a local photographer who knew things about the community, like the condo building down the street used to be a hotel. They admired my painting, and said, why don't you paint Goldie's pub? At the time the sun was behind it and I was done painting for the day, so I returned to the location the next morning to get the scene with full morning sun. For a small painting it is very hard to pull off, all of the white highlight elements have to be left as blank paper and then filled in when the surrounding are dry. Above the pub there are several floors of apartments which you see as balcony over the sign. I took some liberties with the signage, adding my Instagram handle PJDART42 into the painting. These are really tedious paintings than can't be rushed, typically I do something like this on a weekend where I have more time and opportunity to paint. Anyways, I was glad to paint this small community fixture in all its humble glory. 

Goldie's Pub watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024

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