Friday, August 23, 2024

Garden of Hope New Glasgow

New Glasgow has a special meaning to our family since my maternal grandmother Alice was born there and met my grandfather who was from the nearby Wheatly River. This garden is called Garden of Hope, it is maintained by the owner of the adjacent restaurant and cafe (who also owns the pizza place down the street). Not knowing where the cemetery was, I asked the clerk who did not know, but she went and got the aforementioned owner who grew up in the area. She knew where it was, and also knew of the Dickieson family, including Roy and Ester she mentioned. At any rate, Cilei and I made it out to the cemetery to see Nana and Grandpa's final resting spot, which was really peaceful and had a wonderful view of the entire countryside which is fitting. I made this painting back down at the garden, it shows a blue deck chair and some of the manicured flowers with a sparkling lake in the background. Its the last of the PEI painting to blog about, I had two more but they didn't quite work out and perhaps I will repaint them. I also wanted to paint a scene of the supermoon over the fishing village from memory, as we looked I tried to memorize the details. Aside from all the painting, we had a great time and enjoyed the fresh seafood, beaches, and friendly people. Would recommend.  

Garden of Hope New Glasgow, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024

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