Sunday, August 25, 2024

Views around the Peel basin

The Peel basin used to be a shipping and receiving area for boats and trains, but now it is for festivals and condo developments. This view is looking west, in the distance you see the Atwater market clock tower, and on the right is the bike path. Hundreds of bikes and pedestrians zoomed and walked by as I did these paintings. 

Lachine canal near Peel basin, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024


The train bridge goes over the bike path at this point. I am wedged between the bike path and the wall looking up at the underside of the bridge. I liked the tiny sliver of sky up in the top left, and wondered if I could compose a painting that relied almost entirely on less than 1/4 of the space. Without the sliver of sky, the whole painting becomes a jumble of grey and black. There was also a small shrub growing on top of the structure, and you can see one of the new condos in the distance. A giant graffiti was converted into my initials. I am the opposite of a graffiti artist, they put the paint onto the landscape, I put the landscape onto the painting!

Under train bridge near Peel basin, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024


This scene is off to the left of the Farine Five Roses, and in the foreground is the same festival area that had the shark and the titanic inflatables at the music show last night. A huge new condo is nearly complete, it has completely changed the skyline of old Montreal.

Changing skyline, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024

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