Sunday, August 4, 2024

Littel Burgundy, Vinet park


Little Burgundy is a small working class neighborhood sandwiched between st. Henri, Verdun, and the downtown core. This weekend there was a free, two day hip hop festival featuring a famous artist from the Wu Tang clan called Ghostface Killah. When I arrived this afternoon things were rather quiet and I did not catch a glimpse of any famous people, but I did make a painting of the main stage seen at a distance. The composition worked out surprisingly well, just missing the fans and the musicians! It was a lull in the action as people were setting up for the evenings' festivities.

Vinet Park hip hop stage, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August 2024


Several colourful picnic tables were strewn about, similar to what I had seen in park Agrignon. This time I arranged the picnic tables more or less as they were in real life, and copied the colours. Doing this painting was a real palette management challenge, almost every colour was used. In the background there is a large A frame shed that looks to be a hundred years old or more, it has that old fashioned stone masonry wall.

 Vinet Park colourful picnic tables, watercolour 8 x 10" cold press, August 2024





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