Thursday, September 19, 2024

Keep on Truckin'


There are plenty of trucks in Montreal, mostly the small delivery trucks, cube bans, and school busses. At long last I got to paint a school bus which was parked and empty... its shade of orange was captured with isoindo yellow (PY110), benzi orange (PO62), and a few brush strokes of red-orange (PO73) for the reflected objects in the side panel of the bus. The truck in front of it was grey, but the yellow paint bled into the wash, making it a radiant yellow. In fact, the radiant yellow looks great, so a happy accident. The paper size lately has been 6 x 7.5 inches which is convenient because I can cut 18 pieces from the standard 22 x 30" paper with no waste if I squeeze them in a bit. It also works well if I cut 6 pieces of 8 x 10" which leaves exactly 4 pieces of 6 x 7.5. Unfortunately framing a 6 x 7.5 is awkward since its non-standard. It does however, suit social media since the aspect ratio translates well onto Facebook or Instagram. The title of course is a reference the famous Grateful Dead song Truckin'.

Keep on Truckin', watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024

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