Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Trees around town as colour change begins

As fall approaches so do the colours start to change, albeit subtly. This tree on campus was darker and had an orange tint, captured with various blends of dark green (PBk31), green (PG36), yellow (PY97) and orange-yellow (PY110). The shadow elements at the bottom contain black (PBk6) and dark red (PR179). The trick here was recognizing the value of the leaves, a dark grey, as compared to the sky which is a light grey. Getting the brushwork was essential too, the bottom of the tree needed some bright leaves, and the top of the tree needed some dark leaves. I wonder if this is the most realistic looking tree I have ever painted? 

Dark green tree on campus, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


The city has gone around town digging up the sidewalk and installing rectangular planters where plants, flowers or trees grow. Here is a pine tree, looking kind of lonely surrounded by concrete but still standing strong. It was even making pine cones in hope of producing new trees around it, since trees are supposed to be a part of a forest. I embellished the height of the tree considerably, as if five years in the future, in order to have its shape stand out from an incredibly busy background. It was like painting a miniature forest in the middle of a bustling city.

Pine tree standing strong, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024



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