Saturday, September 14, 2024

Park in st Henri, old silos


The whole south part of st Henri near the canal is being rapidly built up with new condos as you see in the background. In the foreground is a new park they completed a year or so ago. It was dreadful for some reason my legs were itchy and I had mosquito bites from painting the canal yesterday evening, so I really had to grit my teeth through this one. Eventually it subsided and I could carry on with the painting.

New park new condos, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


For the next painting I stayed sitting in the same park bench, just looking to the right at the community flower garden. There was actually a black iron fence around the garden which I had planned to include, but seeing how nice the flowers and path turned out I just left it as is.

Community flower garden, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


Next to the old Canadian malt factory silos is a hipster restaurant, partly shown on the bottom left. The staffers were showing up as I painted, getting the restaurant ready for the hipsters, no doubt they were cutting the avocados and preparing the toast.

Restaurant next to old silos, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024

I was having some trouble on this trip so had to just keep painting, like this scene of the pink house on the shadowed side of the malt factory. It is a massive scene with tons of detail, but here the idea was to just to capture a glance upwards. I did a super detailed version of this scene a few years ago, so whenever I see this view I think of that painting. Some scenes turned out great and then that's it, while other scenes, like basically the whole Lachine canal is always good for a painting or two.

Pink house shadow side, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024





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