Friday, September 20, 2024

Sundown around town after work


Continuing the trend of after-work sunset paintings, here is a scene of the relatively new biking and walking path that runs next to the NDG escarpment. On the left is a long curved wooden fence, with the path in the middle and a lamp on the right. The sunset was a nice orange to blue transition... the colour in between orange and blue is complex, its actually supposed to be a pale neutral cyan.

Sunset path lamp, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


As I painted up in the peace and quiet of the path, there was an endless stream of cars merging on the st Jacques overpass which goes into NDG. These would be people who work downtown and like to drive home to the suburbs instead of riding a bike along the wonderful path. If they did, they could also stop and make paintings along the way. With the amount of time the cars were stuck there waiting for the right turn light, I could have made a few paintings easy.

Traffic train tracks sunset, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


After stopping by the bike shop for a quick wheel change (the Davelo bike mechanics are the best) to get me back on the road, I saw this scene and almost just went by until I noticed the famous pink house on top of the old malt factory poking up between the trees. It was a complex scene to paint, especially since it was the first one of the day after a long day of meetings and paperwork. It takes a few paintings to get my brain switched over to art mode sometimes, but at least this one turned out. There is a train underpass road there on the bottom right, surrounded by a cool rusted fence.

Distant pink house, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


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