Saturday, September 7, 2024

Montreal Convention Center, with yellow underpass

Part of the plan of going downtown was to find some shelter in case it rained, such as the massive Convention center. Here is a view of where the underpass begins, it has bright amber yellow track lights, which gave an eerie glow. On the right is the concrete exterior. The idea here was to create an abstraction of reality, its just about exactly how it looked in real life but the painting is almost cubist.

Convention Center abstraction, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, September  2024


Avenue Viger goes under the convention center, here is a view of the underpass illuminated with the eerie yellow orange glow. It was a colossally difficult painting to conceptualize with all the angles and bizarre lighting conditions. The idea was to keep it light and airy so as to convey the sense of space and depth. At least there was no rain down here.

Convention Center underpass, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, September  2024 

In this panorama view you see the convention center with its glorious green glass facade. Apartment buildings and a grey sky complete the scene. I've cut a 6 x 7.5" format that I will try out next time, it will be better for social media on that ratio and give a little more space for these ambitious city scenes.

Convention Center, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, September  2024

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