Monday, September 2, 2024

World of windows

Painting windows is never easy, and there sure were a lot of them in this scene of condos near the de la Savane metro station. I used numerous techniques to paint the windows. First, I outlined the buildings in greyish paint (PBk6 diluted), then filled each in with a different pastely colour including cyan, blue, violet, orange, yellow and green. In fact, the whole pastel rainbow is here. Then I added window shapes as squares, or as hash marks, or I painted the brick work as cross hatches which created the dark on light effect for example the building on the left. Once all that was established I added somewhat random details from the buildings to give enough variety. Rows of trees, and a cloudy sky provide the environmental atmosphere. I thought the painting would look chaotic and stressful, but now that I see it, it seems serene and gives a sense of community. The buildings are like good neighbors in a way. Its a hard painting pull off because of the subtle details and massive scale in real life.

World of windows, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, September  2024


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