Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Milk Bottle Landmark, Montreal

 With it being the first week of teaching there has been quite a mountain of work to complete, hence, no new paintings for a few days. I hope to have a good chance on the weekend, or maybe, I can wake up really early and head out in the morning. For now, I am posting an interesting set of paintings made some years apart, the first is a scene done in winter, I remember the day- my friend Chris and I went out to Montreal (I lived in London at the time) for a new years party and some tourism. I took the day painting while he went out to some museums. There was a lot of snow but it was not too cold, it was overcast. This giant milk bottle is a landmark, despite all the construction in this area, it has been kept up by popular demand! 4.75" x 8" cold press, watercolour 1998?

Some time later I returned to the location and found the same landmark, it had even been restored so that the painted letters on it were more visible. This one used the buildings to frame the object rather than as a background. Perhaps I have to go back and paint it one more time? Currently Montreal is at 'green light' pandemic mode which means basic precautions required like masks and social distancing in public. Hope it stays that way! All the teaching I do is on line, the research is on campus with ample PPD and regulations to follow.

4.5" x 8" cold press, watercolour 2005-2010?

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