Monday, September 14, 2020

Mom and Dad's Boat

 Just one blog for the today. This painting was done from an old family photo, it shows Mom and Dad's day sailor boat from the 1970's with perhaps Mom and Dad in the boat. To paint the reflection I had to leave the paper blank where you see the white elements, and the darker reflection were painted over top of the water. The mast should of been in the reflection too, but this was a very hard painting considering my skill level at the time, I would have been about 17 years old. The tonal blue-grey of the water looks great and the value contrasts throughout the painting give a feeling of depth and atmosphere.

Today, I started making a catalogue of my artwork, starting with the older ones in no particular order. This painting seemed a fitting one to start the catalogue with. I am amazed at my output in 1993, there seem to be over 40 paintings I found so far and I am only partway through that portfolio. 

12 x 16" hot press block, watercolour, 1993 #0001

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