Tuesday, May 20, 2008

City Hall Square, London, Ontario, Canada


This scene was painted on location in London (Ontario!). The name of the city is often the source of great confusion. Many packages were mailed to London, England and then re-directed to London Ontario. The packages would arrive at work with a million stamps and labels attached. Often we wished that we could go to London, England to pick up the errant packages but the boss would not pay to fly us out there.

People often ask me how long it takes to paint a picture. Or sometimes they ask 'how long have you been painting for?' to which I usually answer '15 years, but not all on this painting.' Incidentally, a picture like this would take close to an hour. A less detailed painting could take about 30-45 minutes. The studio work (most abstracts) can take anywhere from 3 hours to 3 months depending on the size and complexity. The paintings that took the most time were 'Tuscan Vineyard', 'Lab Book #7, Construction at site 22', and 'Cosmetic Makeup', each one took about 50 hours of painting time.

City Hall Square, watercolour (No. ?) 

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