Sunday, October 3, 2010

Missing Us, Mexico

What is missing in this painting? Us. The beach is there, the umbrella, the water... actually we were there just sitting a little bit behind the scene. The location is Mexico, on the Mayan Riviera... which sounds pretty exotic but in reality you have a highway, lots of construction that looks like it will never be finished, and an endless succession of resorts that have impressive looking facades. One thing they also all have in common, amazing beaches and all you can eat buffet, not to mention less mosquitos than Dominican Republic.

There are a lot of subtilties to capture when you paint on the beach. In your mind, the sand should be yellow and the water should be blue, but in most places the sand is more white, and the water can be anything from deep purple to brown, green, and even brilliant turqoises. To make it more complicated (and as you see in this example) there many different colours at the same time, near the horizon you have the deep blue (french ultramarine to capture it), then the emerald/sap type green and sky blue teals. The variations in colour are caused by the underwater sandbars which add yellows and browns, and the sky tones reflecting in the waves, and the white foam of the crashers. The best way to master painting the sea, is to physically go to the sea as often as possible. The only other thing missing from this scene is you!

5x7" Mayan Riveria 2010.

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