Friday, January 11, 2013

Untitled (Ice Palace?)

This is a surrealist-style painting I did awhile back, I forgot when exactly, but judging by the style and technique it was done around the same time as "Creative But Can't Escape"... I can tell by the fluffy snow on the trees, and the coloured light reflection in the brick wall... they are things I was working on back then, approximately 2007 ...but I feel this one may have been a bit earlier than that. It is not a doodle-based panting, where I use doodles for the idea and design, rather it was directly from my imagination. I would have sat down at a completely blank paper and started painting with no idea in mind... a sort of 'free association' or 'stream of conciousness' technique that sometimes works well (but with mixed results). It is hard to say what inspired me, it looks like a sort of bleak scene, but there is an eerie festival lighting... are the people visiting some kind of ice palace? I think that will be the name for it: Ice Palace?

As you can tell I have little memory of doing this painting which is quite rare I usually remember doing it, but it is interesting to try and dissect my own work. I can tell there was some sort of massive mistake or paint-over here, the entire lake region is hiding some sort of design that suggests that an abstract was underneath or something... in fact now I do recall trying to do a fix on this painting and nearly throwing it in the garbage... but now you can hardly tell there was a problem. I'm glad I didn't throw it out, the colour scheme is particularly cool, a kind of RGB-television thing.

Cold press, 11x15", 2006?

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