Monday, August 3, 2015

Never Done (No Idea)

Here is another doodleism painting done from notebook doodles. I called this one "Never Done (No Idea)" for two reasons: because this phrase was in the notebooks- probably in reference to a very long meeting that seemed like it would never end, and because I never seem to be done with the doodleism style. An element of this theme is the broken hourglass that is constantly being filled with sand. My goal is to catch up to the doodles... for instance this painting was done recently in 2015, but the doodles are from 2014. I am making doodles faster than I can turn them into works of art!

The compositions of the doodleism paintings are usually created as the painting is being done, rather than being planned in advance. That is why the horizon line is often disjointed- here you can see a mountain and skyline on the left middle, which turns into a desert as you move right, and then becomes split into two, in fact the perspective changes completely at the top right and bottom right. This occurs because I don't plan it in advance, and because the notebook doodles are independent and have their own compositions, so when I mash them together they appear to be disjointed. Anyways, by now the broken horizon is part of the style, just like the random pine tree and shrubberies. The first instance of doodleism was "The Master of the Margin" which sold in early 2000's, and I suppose "Chem 451 Caged Mind, Lab book #1" would be the first doodleism that was a composite of many doodles, done perhaps in the late 90's and still in my collection.

22x30" cold press, watercolour 2015

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