Sunday, July 31, 2016

"Automatic Update", and "The Scream Too"

Its not often that I repaint an old painting, in this case a visiting friend of mine who is an art teacher recommended some changes to the original design, and so I went and made a new version called 'Automatic Update' inspired by those updates your computer does to make the software better. The main design change was the composition on the left side of the picture, the ghost is moved to the tree trunk, and there are three bushes instead of one, and the building/structure is de-emphasized. The atmosphere is also adjusted, the original was a foggy overcast, this one is a sunny partly cloudy day. Oh yeah, and I added a subtle sea-scape on the left to create depth. For comparison here is the original version:

There are things I like about the original for instance the eerie feeling and the surprise of the ghost but then again the most common mistake for art students is to have too many ideas in one painting, that is definitely something I loose marks for on occasion! I always thought that when I get old and don't have any ideas left that I would take the time to go over my old work and re do certain paitings with improvements. However, I still have some ideas left in me I hope.

Automatic Update: 15 x 11 " (38.5 x 28.5 cm) cold press, watercolour, 2016

The Scream Too: 15 x 11 " (38.5 x 28.5 cm) hot press, watercolour, 2010

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