Monday, November 9, 2020

Somerled Avenue, NDG, Pastel Sunset

Today was another day jammed with zoom meetings. I managed to get out just before the sun went down. This view is looking to the left of the auto mechanic, down the street where the sun was setting. There was a large, pastel lilac cloud floating just over the roof tops with splashes of tangerine orange. To create the back-lit houses I mixed the base colour with some carbon black and diluted it. So the brick was burnt sienna with carbon black, and the aluminum siding was indothrene blue (PB60), quin violet (PV55) and carbon black. The fluffy cloud was similar but with more quin violet and some burnt sienna. Finally, the carbon black was used for the details under the cars, the tree, and the roof details. I wanted to point out the use of black paint because it is widely considered to be a taboo. Admittedly, it takes some thought and skill to properly employ the black paint. There is no actual black colour in this painting, rather it was diluted into shades of grey. This painting is a good example of creating luminous atmosphere with a touch of grey.

Sunset 5 x 7" cold press, watercolour, November 2020

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