Saturday, January 30, 2021

Saturday Painting Trip, Lots of Snow

 I left early this morning to get to Mount Royal hoping to avoid the crowd. There were however plenty of people there already, can't blame people for wanting to get out of the small apartments. Families, kids, and couples were skating on this rink right next to Beaver Lake. I painted the same scene last summer, unsure of what it was meant to be, now I know its a skating rink. The snow was piled high around the rink, it was a mix of pale turquoise, blue and lilacs. I did some touch ups at home because it smeared a bit, and the skyline needed some work.

Mount Royal Skating Rink, 5 x 7.5" cold press, watercolour, January 2021 (No. 2545)


Today was supposed to be relatively sunny with a blue sky, instead it was a bitter -16℃ overcast with a mild blizzard. I nearly headed home when it became obvious that the sun was not going to come out. Wandering around the snow shoe trails I found this scene, there were about a hundred picnic table set aside, all piled with snow that looked like marshmallows. I found a place to sit and made this painting using a simple method. The central tree defines the shape of the middle snow pile, and blue-grey shadows create the cream puff snow piles. Finally I finished with the bits of visible table, and the background.

Mount Royal Picnic Tables, 5 x 7.5" cold press, watercolour, January 2021 (No. 2546)


Disappointed with only two paintings, I retreated home. When I stepped off the bus I saw this amazing scene looking down Fielding Avenue at the corner of Walkley. I found a little corner to stand on and made this scene, or at least something closely resembling this scene. At home I had to re do the buildings, and fill in the snow covered leaning tree. It worked out surprisingly well, this is really Fielding Avenue!

Fielding Avenue Leaning Tree, 5 x 7.5" cold press, watercolour, January 2021 (No. 2547)


1 comment:

  1. I am glad you could do three as your goal. The weather was not as beautiful as expected, but your paintings definitely made my day brighter and warmer.
