Thursday, May 20, 2021

Paints Galore

After some thoughts on paint mixing, I decided to simplify my location palette by reducing the number of paints and by using a physically smaller palette (Holbein 1024-1500). In the sketch above, there are 18 paints. They are organized across the top into 4 browns, 3 blues, and 4 paints for mixing greens. The empty well on the top in between the blues is for mixing up the sky colour. Across the bottom are warms, magenta and carbon black. After doing a few painting on location, this setup is definitely optimal because it is easy to hold with one hand, and the mixing strategies are rather straightforward. Grey, green, brown, blue and some orange. Pretty much describes Montreal!

But wait, there is more! A paint buying binge resulted in over 20 earth paints, including 15 in tube format. I love these paints so I set up an 'earth max' palette with 24 slots (Holbein 1024-3000). The earth paints are across the top, ordered roughly by their hue from yellowish to red-black. The 16th slot is empty since I am missing iron oxide violet, otherwise known as caput mortuum which I will inevitably get in the collection one day. On the bottom row are 8 bright, lightfast synthetics to provide accent colours. This palette should make for some fun abstract paintings.   

If you act now and buy 2, you get a third one for free! I've had this physical palette for years, it was a catch-all for miscellaneous paints. Now its been organized with 28 of the colours clockwise from yellow, red, magenta, black, blue and greens. Tucked away in the bottom left is burnt sienna, just to provide some grit. Every paint has a personality, and it takes time and experience to get to know it. I call it 'the everything palette'.

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