Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Scenes in Cabot Square, white gravel

Cabot Square is down by Atwater station, it tends to be a meeting area for a lot of local people and is the focal point of some of the protests that happen downtown. It was pretty tame today, although I have to admit that the aroma of marijuana was very potent and close by as I painted here, it did seem to make made for a more most relaxing painting trip...

Tree in Circle, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024


The white gravel is adorned with sculpted concrete benches. On the left is a very old structure probably used to sell papers or snacks, and in the background is the new Atwater metro access point. Its hard to paint these scenes when everything is grey and there is no skyline. The tones are subtle and the textures are important. I used a lot of black paint to create contrast where needed (PBk6). It was just that curve that caught my eye, the whole composition runs off of it.

Curving bench, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024


These permanent balloons have been there for many years now, they are starting to show wear. On the right is a very tall statue with a person, I assume to be Cabot, standing on top (unseen in painting). I just wanted to paint the curve of the statue's base, and get its perspective. The bark of the tree was done with one quick brushstroke, a side swipe with semi-moist brown. I make the dark brown by mixing burnt umber (PBr7) with a touch of indo blue (PB60). I probably lingered around this location a bit longer than usual, you could say that it was a high point of the trip.

Balloons and Statue, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024

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