Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Benny Park, No Playing Allowed! NDG

Visiting parks these days is odd, very few people and most things taped off or fenced off. I found a nice place to sit on the bleachers in Benny park across from the sports complex building (top, brown orange building), and the cultural center that houses the library (top, left red and blue building). There was a green steel fence right in front of me with a 'dog on leash' sign, it was overlapping the baseball diamond filled with sparkling peach-coloured sand. Being in the midst of the pandemic lockdown, I chose this location to be away from other people, and to represent the big, ugly metaphorical fence standing between us and having fun in the park.

I had my Winsor and Newton series 7 Kolinsky sable brushes with me for this painting which was a joy after mostly using my old synthetic brushes. The sable brushes allow for maximum precision and good even washes. I could capture the extremely small details in the top of the painting, and get the loose flowing steel mesh of the fence. Using sable brushes does present a moral dilemma of using animal fur, I may have to read up a bit on how they are treated. It would be nice to say that no sables were harmed in the production of this paining. How about no horses were harmed during the production of this painting?

5 x 7" rough press, watercolour, 2020

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