Sunday, April 19, 2020

Magenta Worms (The Worms Take Over the Earth)

Kids have such imaginations, and I was no different. In elementary school I wrote and illustrated a very short story for a project set by Edie VanBeek and influential teacher. My story was called "The Worms Take Over the Earth" and I still have the finished copy on my bookshelf. Now and then I have incorporated the theme into my abstract paintings, as you see here at the bottom of the painting a parade of worms is moving along. As usual these days I was also testing out paints, including the magenta paints and black paints to see how they looked together, along with some red and green. It definitely created a dystopian appearance, very unsettling. But then again, worms are invading the Earth, that is what they do after all, and it is unsettling. In summary, I dig worms.

5 x7" rough press, watercolour (B side of the Loyola campus painting 3 amigos) April 2020

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