Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Elm Park, Ville St.Pierre Montreal

I would wager that this is the first ever watercolour painting done in Parc Elm, which is located in Ville St. Pierre, right next to autoroute 20. The wall you see in this painting is the sound barrier separating the houses and park from the highway. The park is about 1000 square feet or less, just a path, a bench, and a small garden you see here with some tulips. One tulip was pushing up into the shadows, and the sun was otherwise sparkling on the grass and sidewalk. It was a pleasure to capture this thin sliver of spring.

Convenience mixes are paints that come pre-mixed, like, the company puts two colours together so that the artist doesn't have to do as much work. I never knew that until recently, when I started reading Handprint.com which is a vast resource of knowledge and opinion. I decided to mix my own convenience mix consisting of winsor green (PG7) and benzi yello (PY154), yielding a spring-like lime colour. As spring turns to summer, I added slightly more of the green to represent the increased chlorophyll. The grass and budding leaves both contain ample amount of the convenience mix. Lets call it Montreal spring green.

7 x 10" rough press, watercolour, May 2020

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