Friday, May 8, 2020

Rural Caledon/King township

While riding my bike out in the east part of rural Caledon I crossed over to King township, basically the middle of nowhere. There were never-ending rolling hills, farms, fences, cows, and plenty of bad weather that day. I remember being worried about getting stuck out in the rain 10 km from home! The conditions were tough but I managed to hack out a few watercolour paintings that day. The technique was rather simple, but the wet humid conditions made it impossible to get more that one or two layers of paint down. As evidence, they weren't even signed. I think the results were okay, these paintings may even be worth redoing in a larger updated version. 

Here is another one done on the same trip. The paint was drying a bit better there and I could get multiple layers. It really conveys the atmosphere, and I love the yellow/violet contrasts. It is really hard to know when I did these, the techniques and pigments used indicate an early 2000 work. There is obvious use of iron oxide pigments, cerulean blue, and a rose coloured paint in the sky that I got sometime in early 2000. I also vaguely remember the circumstances around the time and it was when I was a graduate student at University of Western Ontario, visiting my parents in Bolton. 5 x 8" cold press watercolour 2003?

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