Friday, June 2, 2023

A few more memories from Spain

Maybe its the persistent heat but something triggered memories of Spain. While in southern Spain the temperatures reached 40℃  but the air was very dry making it somewhat tolerable. Always on foot there were some pretty sweaty and exhausting days tromping around these ancient cities. Zamora was a day trip, the city had numerous archways, famous bridges, a cathedral, and lots of cobblestone roads. In this painting I used a variety of earth colours, probably by modifying transparent burnt sienna (PR101) the only earth paint I had at the time. The shadows are light and airy, too bad the buildings all look crooked and the right side seems unfinished. In many cases I was exhausted while painting which added to the challenge.

Zamora Spain, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, 1998 (No. 0986)

Here is a spectacular view from atop Mount Urgull in San Sebastian (Donostia). There were old fortifications on the top of the mountain, over run by tourists of course, and at least one painter. I like the atmosphere in this painting, the water seems realistic. Looking at the mountain in the distance, it appears to be almost identical to the mountain I just painted in Brazil. Certain elements of the 1998 Spain paintings are fantastic even if there are a lot of mistakes here and there. Like, the right side of the painting tapers off. At least I left a good border around it in case of framing.

Mt Urgull San Sebastian (Donostia) watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, 1998 (No. 0844)


Here is an ambitious scene from Madrid near their city University. I had already painted the CN tower in Toronto a year prior, so this must have seemed somewhat familiar. To include a monument and a tall structure like this, with trees in the middle ground was a bold move for such a small format. For most of the Europe trip I painted without any fear. But what is to fear really, a bad painting? There were a few of those too. I like the pedestal, it was a great shade of grey, and the foliage is a dry olive green.

Madrid Ciudad University watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, 1998 (No. 0859)

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