Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Garage Bar in São Paulo

While in São Paulo recently there were a number of scenes that I could not paint for various reasons but I took some notes down for posterity. This is the first painting from the notes and my memory, it shows a garage that was converted into a small local bar. I saw this scene at night while Cilei and I were walking her brother's dog around the block. The interior of the garage was strongly lit from an illuminated glass-door fridge full of bottled beverages, and from some lights over the bar. A couple of fellows were there shooting the breeze over some drinks. Cilei's father actually knows the bartender, he lives in the house and recently his wife passed away so he decided to open a bar in his garage. Off to the right is an empty lot surrounded by a tall brick wall, and a long valley with apartments on the horizon. A palm tree was silhouetted against a dark purplish sky. I also took notes on an interesting sunset, and a view in the open market.

Garage Bar in São Paulo, watercolour 9 x 12" watercolour paper, June 2023 (No. 3655a)

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