Sunday, September 15, 2024

Little Italy summer weather still here

After picking up some spices and bulk food at the excellent family-run Anatol spices, I walked the bike up to this shady park at the busy Jarry and st Laurent corner. A bus went by every 5 minutes or so, which made it possible to capture more detail than usual. With all the practice down at Coffee park NDG, I knew how to paint the shady park scene. The interlocking brick is a pale neutral red, made by mixing pyrol red (PR254) with carbon black and water. The shadow over top is some mix of dark blue (PB60) purple (PV55) and a touch of yellow ochre (PY43).

Shady park with bus, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


Sitting in the shady park I could see this gaudy sign out front of the gas station and McDonalds parking lot. There were gulls squawking from the sky, probably looking for french fries. I made a joke here with the M of the sign, making it look the same as the seagulls, which were painted with the classic M shape too. McD birds! 

McDonald sign and gulls, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


In Park Jarry there is an artificial pond surrounded by willows, reeds and teeming with seagulls floating around. They were digesting the french fries no doubt. But still, it was neat to seagulls doing what comes naturally to them, which is spending time in the water. I see them on the Lachine canal sometimes, and out in the river downtown. To make the willow tree colour I varied a mix of orange yellow (PY110), dark green (PBk31), yellow (PY97?) and a bit of black where needed (PBk6). I have so many tubes of yellow now I loose track of which is on my palette, they are all the same basically. The orange yellow PY110 is different though, its half way between yellow and orange. Mixing it with the greens makes for a variety of olive tones that can be quite handy.

 Gulls on Pond, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


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