Sunday, September 8, 2024

Old Montreal, a popular painter?

Its always fun painting in Old Montreal and the Old Port, its usually full of tourists and they like to take a look or make a video of me painting. Not shy, I just park my bike in the middle of the walking avenues and start painting. This scene is the classic dome of the Bonsecours market, despite the cloud cover, the metallic roof and dome were reflecting light. Technique is required for a scene like this, I used wet-in-wet followed by side-drag to create the shiny, texture roof and dome.

Bonsecours market roof line, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


Quite a few people talked to me here, and seemed to think it was a good painting. One lady asked me what kind of trees those were, I said crab apple and the apples are too bitter to eat! I liked the violet colour of the ice cream kiosk, made with quin magenta (PR122) and blue (PB15) and a touch of quin purple (PV55). The darn ferris wheel never turns out right, so here I just made a basic image of it with some circles, lines and blobs. You get the feeling here, just imagine someone is looking over your shoulder.

Ice cream and ferris wheel, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


No its not fair, fall colours are here already? In this painting I had to wait for it to dry before applying the ferris wheel over top of the cloudy sky. Using the drunken master technique, this painting seeks to capture the elements and the feeling of the moment without fussing over the details. On a painting trip like this I usually start of 'tight' and by the end of it I am slapping paint on the paper with glee.

Fall colours ferris wheel, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


This is the spot where it rained yesterday and I had to abandon ship so to speak. After doing the outline in paint, I filled in the details and textural elements. I don't know what they were thinking when constructing the monstrosity in the background, the steel and pink tinted glass really doesn't go with the whole stone and brick theme of Old Montreal.

 View up street Old Montreal, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


It started to rain a tiny bit here and the washes collapsed on me, that is, turned to a moist mess. Anyways, you see the old stone and brick buildings with a grotesque glass and steel thing in the background. Maybe next time I will find an angle without the modern building, there are plenty of options in and around this part of town.

Old Montreal new building, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024

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