Sunday, March 29, 2020

Cote St. Luc road overpass (Decarie), NDG, Montreal

Going east on Terrebonne leads to Cote St. Luc road and the expressway, seen here is the overpass, and the apartment buildings on Decarie boulevard.  The trees seemed to pop up from the expressway from some unseen ground. Finding a spot to sit and paint was a challenge, Decarie is mostly narrow sidewalks and busy roads. I found a little chunk of lawn on a corner with the low sun coming across my left side. That is ideal on location, as a right handed painter I want the sun coming across the left so that I can see the paper and palette without shadow. It also makes the scenery lit from the side, in this case, buildings trees and roads. The back of a highway overpass sign can also be seen in the bottom of the picture, and a painted mural at the bottom of the apartment building.

For this painting I included a lot of new colours on my palette and I think some of the shadows were flat and the browns a bit muddy. What really worked was the two tone blue sky, and the potter's pink concrete and road tones. I also like the dirty, slightly scary feel to this paining (the trees look alive) considering what it felt like to sit right next to the Decarie for 30 minutes.

5 x 7 rough press, watercolour, March 2020

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