Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Loyola Campus, Icicles

In the winter it can be very hard to paint outdoors, I used to brave the cold in my younger age but nowadays it is not so appealing. For this painting I made a detailed pencil sketch on location, along with detailed colour notes. Then I painted this scene from the notes and memory back at home. I was sitting inside the bus shelter waiting for the shuttle bus that goes down town. Past the fence is the Loyola campus sports dome where they play soccer and frisbee in the winter. The main interest was the amazing collection of icicles against the bright blue sky.

I am in the midst of redoing my colour palette, and some of the colours have been harder to replace. In this scene, the sky is done mostly with French ultramarine, along with some phalo blue to give the brighter tones. The shadows of the fence are French ultramarine with some violet (PV19) tint. I would have used cereulean blue and alizarin crimson in the last, but those are toxic, and not permanent, respectively.

8 x 10" cold press, watercolour, February 2020

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