Friday, March 20, 2020

NDG Loyola Park thaw

Keep on truckin' as the Greatful Dead once sang. This painting was done in the nearby Loyola park near the west side of the park where they have the recreation area and the zen garden which is just seen as the wooden arches behind the tree. The snow was melting a bit, and the grass was just struggling to come up. To paint this, I had to find a spot to sit where nobody would get near me, on account of the social distancing. Still though, a lady and her grandson came by to see what I was doing and she even took a picture of me, so now I am famous!

I made sure to include some of the new paints I got recently such as the perylene maroon which I used in the tree bark, pine shrubs, and the concrete. I also used a new kind of brown called antique red ochre from Holbein, a Japanese paint company. The red ochre is from their Irodori line of paints which meant to recreate the ancient Japanese pigments that were mostly earth and plant-based pigments. The ancient Japanese paint definitely warmed up an otherwise chilly scene.

5x7" watercolour, rough press block, March 2020

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