Thursday, December 23, 2021

Snowy Panorama with Squirrel

 Today was a cold one, -10 ℃ and double that with the wind chill. But it wasn't going to stop the squirrels from foraging, the ones near our condo came by and ate peanuts and drank some warm water we left out for them. At the Benny Park, there were a dozen squirrels running about, looking for food. When I stopped to paint, one of them walked right up and looked at me expectantly. Then it wandered off, and I noticed that it ate a little bit of snow. Cilei had learned that they like to drink water, and it makes sense, where do they get water in the winter? That's why we leave out the warm water in the morning. If you look carefully you can see one of the squirrels jumping though the snow. 

The pine trees has two main colours, one was a warm orange-olive green, the second a cooler dark green. To make the first I mixed isoindo yellow (PY110) and perylene green (PBk31), to make the second I used just the perylene green. On top of that, I added the dark highlights which are perylene green, perylene maroon (PR179) and a touch of carbon black (PBk6). The snow shadows were indo blue (PB60) with cobalt blue (PB28) and magenta (PR122).  If you look into the distant trees you see that the cooler green prevails. Where the sun strikes the tree it has the orange tint. 

I was feeling like doing a horizontal format which is partly why I selected this panorama scene. I composed the bench off to the bottom right so it becomes part of the panorama without being a focal point. Temperature-wise it was mostly good, I have new woolies underneath, the moose mitts, baffin boots, and a new parka jacket that is coloured with smoked paprika! Actually it looks like burnt sienna to my eye, which is a great colour for a jacket.

Snowy Panorama with Squirrel, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, December 2021 (No. 2949b)

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