Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Campus scenery hot day

On a hot afternoon I got outside for a bite of lunch and made these paintings of campus. The first is a more traditional scene of the old style building in the background and some other green elements like a tree and the grass. The roof is a blue-green paint called viridian hue (PG7), which is a modern version of viridian (PG18). The tree is a different green paint called bamboo green (PG36) with some orange-yellow (PY110). Companies sell what are called convenience greens that are pre-mixed but I make my own on the palette depending on the need.

Campus Greens, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2024 (No. 3811b)

This scene is looking straight down at the interlocking brick walkway. I liked the ants crawling around, and wanted to try and capture the intense contrast of the sun-lit brick next to the shadow brick. The sun lit brick was red ochre (PY43/PR101) with orange (PO62), while the shadow was a complex mix of red ochre, dark red (PR179) and blue (PB60).

Campus Ants, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2024 (No. 3810b)

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