Thursday, July 18, 2024

World Inspired Landscapes: Panama


Panama is best known for its canal and its hats apparently, but it has a lot more to offer. With a long history of civilizations its a country rich in heritage and different cultures. Like many of the Central and South American countries it went through various eras of ancient indigenous people, Mayans, Incans, Spanish colonial rule and various incursions by the British and French Empires and then United States of America. The canal began with the French empire, who wanted to streamline trade from its colonies in North and Central America with Europe. They made progress but lacked the technology to make the complicated system of locks work effectively. The Americans brought in new crews, manipulated the politics of the region to their favour, and eventually finished the canal which now directly connected the two Oceans. The canal was expanded several times and a new lock system was added to increase capacity, however its climate change that is proving to be the latest challenge. To make the locks work, vast amounts of fresh water from a lake are required, after which the fresh water is emitted into the sea. As the rain fall diminishes, so does the fresh water content of the lake. Eventually the canal will cease to function unless some new engineering feat is accomplished, or the rain falls again. 

The painting has nothing to do with the canal, instead it shows a death-defying footbridge passing over a deep ravine. Obviously the painting is an exaggeration, but there were in fact tree top bridges for tourism in Panama.

World Inspired Landscapes: Panama, watercolour 8 x 10" cold press, July 2024

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