Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Sundown on the Lachine Canal part 2

The structure here is an off ramp near the Lachine canal, with the curving bike path that comes from the highway 720 overpass and connects with the canal path. The curved, paneled wall is a highway off ramp that connects to the bridge and billboard area I posted int he last blog. The sun was almost setting by now, and the asphalt bike path was infused with a glowing orange-yellow. Getting the colours right was tough here, its a very grey scene, but the colours had to be infused with warm light. To do this I either mixed yellow ochre (PY43) and orange (PO62) on the palette, or applied it directly to the painting when wet. The main interest in this scene were the amazing curving lines emanating from left to top right and bottom right.

Highway off ramp near canal, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2024


This was done soon after arrival, it shows the underside of the footbridge, with water refelctions in the shadows. It is a very technical painting, capturing all the water ripples and the shimmering reflections in the shadows can be quite challenging. Ironically, painting water in watercolour can be harder then with oils or acrylics where you can paint light over dark. 

Water reflections under bridge, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2024


Here is just a fun painting, showing the dramatic curve of the Lachine canal with a colourful sunset reflecting off the rippling water. Some birds, probably seagulls complete the atmosphere. 

Sundown on Lachine Canal, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2024

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