Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Palette Cleansers #36

 Joining art and science, this painting depicts a rhythmic heart beat. One of our manuscripts was reviewed and they asked for a more detailed analysis of the heart beats which is going to be very difficult given the situation. The situation being we lost the software and I don't know how to do it manually! Anyways, my frustration was taken out here, with agitated brush strokes creating a fiery spectacle. It is not easy to get texture on this paper but I'm getting used to it after over 35 such paintings. 

Palette Cleanser 36, 9 x 12" watercolour paper, watercolour, October 2020



As a bonus I made this small painting on the back of a cutting. The paper is very smooth on the back and has a slight mesh-texture due to the method they use to dry the paper. It varies a lot though, some brands are almost indistinguishable back and front. The scanner or maybe the monitor does not depict certain colours very well, it tends to emphasize rusty orange tones. The original has visible custard yellow and cotton candy pink notes.

Pink Horizons 5 x 7" cold press, watercolour, October 2020


And this painting, also done as I was cleaning my palette, shows off a rare kind of paper, 30lb rough press. It has a texture almost like coarse sandpaper. By dragging the brush you create bumpy broken lines. I filled in the empty spaces with the snake-like ribbons. I noticed this paper costs as much as $25 a sheet which is double what it used to be not too long ago. This is a small cutting. 

Green Ribbons, 3 x 6" rough press, 300lb, watercolour, October 2020

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