Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Benny Park, NDG


Here is a recent painting, as in, today! I snuck out around lunch break and went to Benny park, a nearby green space with lots of trees, space and nice angles. The park had just been mowed and had a bright yellow/green after all the rain. The lawn mower strips had a perspective on them leading the eye back into the background (which is actually the main subject of interest). I just posted some 2001 paintings and remarked on the range of techniques I had developed back then almost 20 years ago. The big difference I see with the recent paintings are that now my paintings are more colourful, and incorporate more depth and perspective. I seem to include less in each painting than the old days, like there were 5 trees in this scene but I only show 3 off to the left in order to break the symmetry of the design. This is the last piece I have from the Arches cold press I bought from Avenue des Arts, you see at the top edge how luxurious it was... 100% cotton rag. Of course, I paint on anything so I'm not a snob about it, but this paper was pretty good I will see if they have more. 6 x 7.5" cold press, watercolour, 2020

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