Sunday, June 16, 2024

A few more Scenes from Park Angrignon

We had a get together for the laboratory people today to celebrate some recent graduates and enjoy  the sunny cool weather. This was done before everyone arrived as I was guarding the picnic tables, it shows the pond surrounded by trees, and a few ducks and a heron dabbed in from memory. This is the time of year I go through yellow and green paint really fast, after barely touching it all winter.

Park Angrignon Panorama, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, June 2024 (No. 3788a)


Looking across the park I could see a number of really colourful picnic tables scattered around. They were not quite as organized as you see in the painting, but the idea was to create an abstract arrangement to feature the motif, and use some colours at full strength.

Colourful Picnic benches, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, June 2024 (No. 3805)

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