Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Souvlaki George

Souvlaki George is a restaurant close to campus on Sherbrooke street, I have painted it a few times before during winter. Today it was once again very hot and humid but after all day in the over-air-conditioned office I was feeling good for awhile in the heat. To start a painting like this I make the center line and roof line, making sure the center line is perpendicular to the edge of the paper and the roof line has the correct perspective. There are no tricks, just eyeball it and freehand. Its a two point perspective, with vanishing lines off the picture plane to the right and left. The rest of the painting is a puzzle of different colours values and textures.

Souvlaki George Panorama, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, June 2024 (No. 3793b)

Here is a closeup of the facade with the statue. In real life the statue was making an elegant, classical Greek pose, but somehow in the painting it looks like she is playing mini putt golf. I liked the play between the cream-coloured bricks and the blue highlights. Obviously it is meant to be a Mediterranean colour-scheme considering that it is a Greek-themed restaurant. Greek food involves kebab, pita wraps, tomato salads, olive oil, rice, potato and french fries. And that's all on one plate, with a coke on the side.

Souvlaki George Closeup, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, June 2024 (No. 3792b)

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