Thursday, June 6, 2024

Coffee Park and Commuter Train

Coffee Park is one of those locations I keep returning to paint, mostly because its on the way to the local grocer and bakery down on Harley Street. There always seems to be an interesting scene, like this one of the commuter train going past in the sunlight while I sat in the shade. A light standard and waste bin line the walking path that cuts through the park. About half the park is being paved over now with public buildings, a basketball court and a water park. Even the park near our house, behind the sports complex, recently put a tall fence around the baseball diamond effectively cutting off the whole green space access. To paint the scene, I applied a cool grey wash to the foreground area, leaving the background as blank paper. As the details filled in, the train went by and I could fill in its outline and general colour scheme. The cool grey block in the foreground gives the contrast that makes the background really glow. 

Coffee Park and Commuter Train, watercolour 5 x 7" 80lb, June 2024 (No. 3782)

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