Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Red Winged Blackbird st Lawrence River

As the weather cleared this afternoon I was able to get out on the bike and make a series of paintings. This scene of a red winged blackbird near the st Lawrence river was done down in the sculpture park near Lachine. Across the river is the reserve. Sun was shining just off to the right which created quite a glare off the water. The birds were very noisy, they must be constantly agitated by all the pedestrians and cyclists using the trail that goes around the circumference of the park. To paint the glare, I drag the semi-moist brush on its side across the paper, but its difficult on this brand of paper which is very flat. The closer to the shore, the water appears brownish because you can see to the bottom. The painting was a little bland until I painted in the bird from memory, then everything really popped. I will post the other ones tomorrow.

Red Winged Blackbird, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, June 2024 (No. 3799b)

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