Saturday, June 15, 2024

Rooftops ville st Henri

Ville st Henri is a quiet blue collar neighborhood located along the Lachine canal and next to the highway 720. Architecturally the neighborhood is an eclectic mix of mid 19th century red brick buildings, mixed in with post WWII 1950's wood and shingle houses. Throughout, you see all manner of renovations spanning the decades, including brand new constructions. In this scene, a small parking lot anchors the composition along with a prominent phone pole in the foreground that acts as a backbone. Getting the colour right on the phone pole was important, it is a dark neutral chartreuse made with some combination of yellow (PY154), a touch of green (PG36, PBk31) and carbon black (PBk6). In contrast, the bright green of the spires and variations of turquoise are much higher chroma. Here and there, red brick buildings provide some additional value contrast, along with a scintillating blue sky inspired by Van Gogh's southern France paintings. Looking at it now I must of forgot to sign it, or did I ?

Rooftops ville st Henri, watercolour 8 x 10" cold press, June 2024 (No. 3878)

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